Made of Gold sustainably crafts West Coast
gold into exquisite pieces to last a lifetime.

Over the years, many have been lured to the West Coast of New Zealand in search of treasure.

And they’ve gone to great lengths to find it.

They’ve moved mountains. Redirected rivers. Dragged nets. Grown grass. And gone deep underground.

Fortunes were made.

Fortunes were lost. And those who stayed in this beautiful yet brutal part of the world had to be made of some pretty tough stuff.
So, what are we made of?
We’re made of the bush, mountains and water.
We’re made of the past, present and future.
We’re made of provenance, legacy and design.
We’re Made of Gold.

Fine jewellery that’s crafted by the Coast – mined, refined and designed on the West Coast of New Zealand.


Gold Jewellery that is trusted for its provenance and embodies the values and qualities of the Coast




We take a design first approach to our jewellery.  We use artists to ensure that your piece is fashionable, timeless and "wearable art".

We create Jewellery that can be passed through generations and will appreciate in both sentimental and material value.  Made of Gold celebrates the legacy of Coasters who have gone before, are making a difference today and those that are our future.

Our gold is 100% sourced from ecologically run, small scale gold mines on the West Coast.


We take a design first approach to our jewellery.  We use artists to ensure that your piece is fashionable, timeless and "wearable art".


We create Jewellery that can be passed through generations and will appreciate in both sentimental and material value.  Made of Gold celebrates the legacy of Coasters who have gone before, are making a difference today and those that are our future.


Our gold is 100% sourced from ecologically run, small scale gold mines on the West Coast.



This was the year the West Coast witnessed a gold discovery along Greenstone Creek near the Taramakau River.

This pivotal event unfolded when Ihaia Tainui and Haimona Taukau, Māori individuals, unexpectedly uncovered gold beneath a massive pounamu boulder. The news of this valuable find rapidly circulated, leading to an influx of prospectors flocking to the area.

1865 - 67

Gold fever intensified as new deposits were uncovered in Ōkārito

Gold fever intensified as new deposits were uncovered in Ōkārito, Bruce Bay, Charleston, and along the Grey River. During this period the population of the West Coast exploded from less than 500 people to over 30,000 in the space of only a few years. Miners, and entrepreneurs were eager to capitalise on the newfound wealth.

1868 - 1920's

The initial fever began to wane

The initial fever began to wane, signalling the decline of the gold rush. But despite the end of the rushes and all that initial excitement, alluvial gold mining continued on the West Coast.

Mid 1980s

Mining activity on the Coast has been driven by the gold price.

Mining activity on the Coast has been driven by the gold price. In the 1980’s mining activity increased and land that was previously not viable was (re)mined.

2016 - today

With the recent spike in gold prices, mining activity on the West Coast has increased

With the recent spike in gold prices, mining activity on the West Coast has increased. In 2016 the owners of Made of Gold acquired land on the Rimu Flats. This land is currently being mined by two family-owned contracting firms, who between them directly employ over 30 workers. Gold mining on the Coast is a significant contributor to the Coast GDP and provides the highest average earnings to workers of any industry. Previously unusable land is developed into productive land.

Link to Rimu Flats feature on the Discover Channel's Gold Rush series


Our owners, Brent & Maria Robinson and Shaun & Susan Drylie

Our owners, Brent & Maria Robinson and Shaun & Susan Drylie (Shaun and Maria are brother and sister) are Coasters who have a love for the Coast and its people. Brent Robinson and Susan Drylie (nee Hughes), both born and bred Coasters, have gold dust in their veins. Brent’s passion for gold began when he worked after school driving machinery for his dad and 3 uncles in their contracting business. After qualifying as an Engineer, he then worked full-time on his father’s mines. Brent now oversees the mine today. Two of Susan’s great great grandfathers (Thomas Hughes and Jo Chee) were involved in the original Otago Gold rush in the 1860’s.


Meet the new golden generation of 
Coaster’s making their mark
"Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside."